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Where Good Stories

 Marilee Zdenek


If you are a writer or want to be,

ask your muse to join you and

see how the

Santa Barbara Writers Conference

can change your life. 

It certainly changed mine.

Where The Good Stories Hide  


Every fiction writer wants to create a strong story with fascinating characters. 

Sometimes that story is hiding in plain sight. 

Have you considered writing about an actual event in your life and then turning your true story into fascinating fiction?

You can use your own experience, and by twisting the facts, places, and names, you can create a short story, a novel, or a screenplay. You can combine the power of your emotional truth with your fictional plot and watch the story unfold.


How do you choose from a lifetime of personal stories? 


In my workshop, you learn how to use a combination of mental techniques that let the story come to you. You may be astonished by the results when you let your characters create a raw draft. Some of the techniques are revealed in interviews I did with Ray Bradbury and Charles Schulz, Stevie Wonder and other intuitive writers and artists.

Some are inspired by actors like Meryl Streep, Al Pacino, and Leonardo DiCaprio, then adapted for writers of memoirs or fiction.


Every writer knows that the Muse has her own way of keeping us humble. Some days it seems like she hangs a “Closed” sign on her mythical door. That’s when you need to trust the wisdom of your subconscious mind to let the story and the characters find their way to you. 


Where do the good stories hide? In a chamber within your mind, behind the door where your Muse lives. She’s not on vacation; she’s just waiting for you to open the door. Keys to her dwelling are in my workshop. I’m just the tour guide. If you bring an adventurous spirit, an open mind, and writing tools, I’ll lead you on a wild, productive journey. I hope to see you at the

Santa Barbara Writers Conference

June 18-22, 2023.

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